Iyengar Yoga classes in a beautiful, fully equipped studio in Sharpthorne, mid Sussex

  • Yoga Forest Row Mid Sussex Sharpthorne Horsted Keynes West Hoathly. Iyengar Yoga Classes for Beginners, Experienced, Intermediate and All Levels Forest Row Sharpthorne Mid Sussex RH19 4HY.  Warm Studio, fully equipped with yoga ropes.

    Friday evening Svasayama - exploring the embodiment with the breath, with Sarah Delfas, Friday 24th May 6.30 - 8pm

  • WE ARE SO SORRY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE WORKSHOP WITH ZOE REASON THIS WEEKEND 24 - 27 May HAS BEEN CANCELLED OWING TO ILLNESS. We are rescheduling for a date in the near future and wish Zoe all the best and a speedy recovery. Thanks to all who booked and we look forward to welcoming you to the rescheduled workshop.

  • Workshop with Sarra Whicheloe and Sarah Delfas, Sunday June 9th 9.30am - 2.30pm.